Poster Discussion Sessions

SIOP Poster Discussions

There will be six parallel one-hour poster discussion sessions on Saturday, October 26, 2019 from 13:10 to 14:10 (with six abstracts each). During the poster discussion session, the Discussant (the session leader), will speak for approximately 20-30 minutes, summarizing the content of each poster. Following, the authors of each poster will then join the Discussant on stage for a question, answer, and discussion section with the audience. This will be highly interactive session.

Authors are asked to provide the Discussant with 3-5 slides summarizing your work via email no later than the deadline stated in the email you received. 

IPSO/Nurses Poster Discussion

In these sessions the format will be a short oral presentation presented by the author.

You are asked to prepare 3-5 slides summarising the content of your poster. These slides should be uploaded in the speakers’ ready room prior to the session. The brief presentation should be timed to not exceed 5 minutes, 3 minutes for presentation, 2 for questions and discussion with the audience.

Poster Board Viewing Presentations


Posters will be presented in two shifts in the Posters Area in the exhibition hall (Forums 4+5).

SHIFT 1: October 23-24

SHIFT 2: October 25-26

Posters in Shift 1 can be set up anytime between 18:30 – 21:00 on October 23, or from 8:30 onwards

on October 24. Posters need to be removed on October 24 after the Poster Viewing session

(no later than 19:30). Shift 1 Presenters are asked to stand beside their poster during their Poster Viewing session on October 24 at 18:30 – 19:30.

During the Poster Viewing snacks and drinks will be provided.

Posters in Shift 2 can be set up anytime from 8:30 on October 25. Posters need to be removed on

October 26 no later than 16:30. Shift 2 Presenters are asked to stand beside their poster during their Poster Viewing session on October 25 at 18:30 – 19:30.

During the Poster Viewing snacks and drinks will be provided.

Please check the SIOP19 Mobile APP for the poster board number allocated to you and use the board with the same number.

Please CLICK HERE to learn How to Design an Outstanding Poster

Tacks will be available for the mounting of posters. There will be a Poster Helpdesk onsite to assist you.

***IMPORTANT: On- Board Poster presenters must bring a print of their poster at the Congress*** 

Poster presenters were notified of their shift allocation via email. If you have not revived this email please contact:

Poster Guidelines:

Posters  may be prepared on one sheet (preferred method) or alternatively on several smaller sheets. Poster boards are portrait style. Maximum poster dimensions: 120cm high x 90cm wide . Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract. The text, illustrations, etc. should be bold enough to be read from a two-meter (six foot) distance. Tacks will be available for the mounting of posters. There will be a Poster Helpdesk onsite to assist you.

In addition to having POSTER BOARD PRESENTATION, we encourage you to submit your poster electronically (in pdf format) so that it can be viewed on the congress app.

Online posters must be submitted via the Congress poster uploading service. Poster presenters were contacted via email with their unique user name and password as well as a link to the poster uploading service. If you did not receive this email, please contact:

Please note that on-line poster presentations must be submitted in PDF format. They must be limited to one page and no more than 25MB.

Poster Publication Only

Abstracts selected for this category will appear in the congress app as well as published in the Pediatric Blood & Cancer Online Journal.

Important Note: Your abstract will be displayed only on the Congress App (as text only), the Congress website and the Journal. Please do not bring a poster onsite.


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